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时间:2024-05-07 09:47来源: 作者:admin 点击: 76 次
郑斯林,男,汉族,1940年5月生,江苏吴县人。1965年加入中国共产党。1963年9月参加工作,太原工学院机械系机械制造专业,工程师。 1958.09?1963.09 太原工学院机械系机械制造专业学习 1963.09--1966.06 辽宁省丹东汽车改装厂设备动力科、技术科 技术员、工艺组组


1958.09?1963.09 太原工学院机械系机械制造专业学习

1963.09--1966.06 辽宁省丹东汽车改装厂设备动力科、技术科


1966.06?1970.03 辽宁省丹东汽车改装厂中等技术学校教导主任

1970.03?1981.03 辽宁省丹东汽车改装厂技术科副科长、科长

1981.03--1982.10 辽宁省丹东电视机配件厂引进办公室副主任,企业管理办公室主任

1982.10--1983.04 辽宁省丹东电视机配件厂厂长

1983.04--1984.12 辽宁省丹东市副市长

1984.12--1985.07 辽宁省对外经济贸易委员会主任、党组书记

1985.07?1989.12 辽宁省省长助理兼省对外经济贸易委员会主任、党组书记

1989.12--1992.12 陕西省副省长(其间:1991.05?1991.11兼省政府秘书长)

1992.12--1993.06 陕西省委常委、副省长(其间:1993.03?1993.05中央党校学习)

1993.06--1994.08 对外贸易经济合作部副部长、党组副书记

1994.08--1995.02 江苏省委副书记、副省长、代省长

1995.02--1998.08 江苏省委副书记、省长

1998.08?1999.12 国家经济贸易委员会副主任、党组成员(正部长级)

1999.12--2003.03 中央企业工委副书记(正部长级)

2003.03--2005.07 劳动和社会保障部部长,党组书记

2005.07-- 全国政协人口环境资源委员会副主任委员













2004年在全国政协十届二次大会上作了题为《采取果断措施遏制出生性别比严重失调》的发言。2000年和2005年两次到宁夏调研,促使“少生快富工程”被列入国家“十一五”计划,现己在西部十二个省区实施。2005年在人民日报发表题为《保证老人安度晚年》一文。提出: 保证老人安度晚年,政府责无旁贷。政府今后要逐步改变资金分配比例,逐步扩大社保的覆盖面和水平;要管好社保基金,对于挪用、贪污社保基金者应予严惩;积极开展农村养老制度的探讨与试点等五点建议。2006年到北京、上海、浙江和山东调研老年人口问题。在向中央提交的调查报告中提出:应明确政府、社会、家庭和个人的责任,共同面对老龄人口问题;要建立比较完善的养老保障制度;要逐步建立一个城乡一体的养老制度和政策体系;要把提高老年人生活保障水平,完善为老人服务机制等作为各级政府建设社会主义新农村的考核的指标之一等建议。






    Resume of Zheng Silin

Mr. Zheng Silin, a native of Jiangsu province and an engineer, was born in 1940. He graduated from Mechanical Engineering Department of Taiyuan Institute of Technology in Shanxi province. He is Vice Chairman of the Committee of Population, Resources and Environment of the CPPCC National Committee.

He was director of Dandong TV Set Components Factory in Liaoning province, Vice Mayor of Dandong, director of Economic and Foreign Trade Commission of Liaoning, Assistant Governor of Liaoning, Vice Governor of Shaanxi province, Vice Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, Governor of Jiangsu province, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Vice Minister of State Economic and Trade Commission, Minster of Labor and Social Security.

    Resume of Pan Guiyu

Born in Hunan province in 1946, Ms. Pan Guiyu graduated from Beijing Normal University. She is Standing Committee Member and Deputy Secretary General of the CPPCC National Committee, Vice Chairman of the Central Committee of the China Association for Promoting Democracy, Vice Minister of the National Population and Family Planning Commission, Executive Vice President of the China Family Planning Association.

She was Assistant Director of Education Department of Changsha City Government of Hunan province, Vice Mayor of Changsha, Assistant Governor and Vice Governor of Hunan province. She was deputy of the 8th and 9th National People’s Congress.

She attaches great importance to investigation and study, and is active in making proposals. She is major compiler of several books themed China’s reproductive culture, marriage and reproductive opinion, publicity and education of the work of population and family planning in new stage.

    Resume of Li Baoku

Mr. Li Baoku is Member of the CPPCC National Committee, president of the China Aging Development Foundation, General Counsel of China Old People’s Art Troupe. He was Vice Minister of Civil Affairs.

During his time as Vice Minister of Civil Affairs, Mr. Li was in charge of construction of power organs and community at grassroots level. Since 2001, he has established the China Aging Development Foundation, organized education campaign for respecting, loving and supporting the old.

Mr. Li made a proposal advocating for carrying out the project of providing professional nursing for senior citizens, which aroused state leaders’ attention and was adopted in the Eleventh Five-Year Plan. He participated in investigation and study organized by the CPPCC National Committee on community services, rights protection of the old and service for the old in urban areas. He has made two proposals in this session as follows: Listing Stories of Respecting Senior Citizens in Textbooks of Kindergartens, Primary and Secondary Schools; Conducting Research on Levying Tax on Inheritance.

    Resume of Li Weixiong

Mr. Li Weixiong is Member of the CPPCC National Commitee, Vice Chairman of the Committee of Population, Resources and Environment of the CPPCC National Committee. He is also professor and tutor of PhD candidates of the Science and Technology Research Institute of the National Population and Family Planning Commission.

Mr. Li has since 1998 participated in all investigation and study on population organized by the Committee of Population, Resources and Environment of the CPPCC National Committee.

In 2001, Mr. Li publicized his ideas that population is still a key factor impacting on China’s sustainable development in the 21st century, that control of the size of population and improvement of population quality shall be taken into consideration in efforts to develop western region, etc. In 2004, he made a speech on checking gender imbalance in the 2nd plenary session of the CPPCC National Committee. He conducted investigation and study in Ningxia Uygur Autonomous Region respectively in 2001 and 2005, leading to incorporation of Project of Having Fewer Children and Prospering Quicker in the 11th Five-year Plan of China and the Project is now in operation in western regions.

In 2005, Mr. Li wrote an article titled Assuring Senior Citizens of Happy Life. In 2006, he conducted investigation and study in Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang and Shandong on problems faced by the old people. Later, he advocated in his report that responsibilities of government, society, family and individuals be made clear to address the problems faced by the old, integrated system of supporting the old in both urban and rural areas be gradually established, etc.

    Resume of Yang Kuifu

Mr. Yang Kuifu is Vice Chairman of the Committee of Population, Resources and Environment of CPPCC National Committee. He was Vice Minister of the State Family Planning Commission.

Mr. Yang has made proposals, advocating for same retirement age of male and female civil servants, making suggestion on the improvement of the work of assuring eligible farmers in difficulty of food, clothing, housing, medical care, etc. In this session, he made a proposal, suggesting that the Rural Association for the Old be established.

In the 4th Plenary Session of the CPPCC National Committee in 2006, he submitted a written speech on actively addressing the problem of the population aging and on the problem of supporting rural senior citizens in this session.

He participated in investigation and study on the population aging organized by the Committee of Population, Resources and Environment of the CPPCC National Committee in 2005 and on the problems faced by rural senior citizens.


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